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No matter where you are in faith, you shouldn’t be alone. Join a Precept discussion group to study God’s Word with others as you grow closer to Him and each other.

The Precept Essentials
Your relationship with God is personal, but you don’t have to grow alone. With the right tools, personal commitment, and a Bible-based discussion group, you can discover truth for yourself, but not by yourself.
Methods and Materials
With Bible study resources for every book of the Bible and experience level, Precept is your guide to knowing God through His Word. Our method and materials are based on the Precept Bible Study Method, that helps students observe, interpret, and apply Scripture to their lives.
Individual Study
It begins with prayer. Individual prayer lays a foundation for humble learning as you invite the Holy Spirit to teach you. Guided by scripture, you will discover God’s heart for you as a uniquely beloved child.
Group Discussion
We are people called to community! Precept groups are led by trained discussion leaders who will help you reason through the Scriptures as you share ideas within your group.
Prepare for
Your Group
Pass It On.
EXCLUSIVE: Precept’s Bible Study Accessories Bundle (with binder, pen, and prayer cards). Yours with a gift of any amount. Get yours today!